Make Sublime Text show the full list of HTML tags or CSS property ?
(normally Ctrl+Space or Alt+/)
PreviousTab not working (ok)NextYou can use key bindings to create custom shortcuts. show Completions show Completion (ok)
Last updated
(normally Ctrl+Space or Alt+/)
Last updated
provided. There many hidden CSS values to be experimented upon.
Please help me configure Sublime if there is any hidden feature in it! I couldn’t understand all those complex codes in Settings. If this can’t be done, I request Sublime Text makers to get this feature in a update.
Thank you! Solved by kingkeith in post #2
in a CSS context you can use whatever keyboard shortcut that is assigned to the Edit menu -> Show Completions (normally Ctrl+Space or Alt+/), and it will list all available values for the current property. For HTML, the plugin (which comes with ST) that offers the completions needs to be modified i…