
Installing AMPPS on Linux



Installing AMPPS

System Requirements

Supported Operating Systems are CentOS 5.8+.

Note :

  • You must have administrator privileges on your computer to run AMPPS.

  • There is no command line version of Ampps yet.


  • Download the setup (.run) from AMPPS Website

  • Open Terminal and run the following commands to install Ampps:

cd /download/location
chmod 0755 Ampps-<version>-<arch>.run
  • For Ubuntu OS use sudo privilege to run Ampps setup.

sudo ./Ampps-<version>-<arch>.run
  • Replace <arch> with x86 for 32 Bit and x86_64 for 64 Bit.

  • Replace <version> with current Ampps version.

Important Locations

  • AMPPS is installed on fixed path /usr/local/ampps.

Note: You cannot change the path of Installation.

  • MySQL Data Directory : /usr/local/ampps/var

  • Web Root Directory : /usr/local/ampps/www

  • MySQL Default Root Password is "mysql" and is stored here : /usr/local/ampps/ampps/data/my.conf

  • PHP Extension Directory : /usr/local/ampps/php-5.*/lib/extensions/ext

  • Change Apache, MySQL and PHP Configuration from AMPPS Application only.

First Run of AMPPS

  • When you run AMPPS for the first time make sure your Internet connection is active.

Note: AMPPS doesn't support proxy yet. So you must have a Direct Internet Connection.

  • Now open /usr/local/ampps/Ampps from Explorer, this will take some time as it is setting up AMPPS for your Linux.

  • If you are using Ubuntu OS then you have to start Ampps from terminal with sudo privilege.

cd /usr/local/ampps
sudo ./Ampps
  • If you are facing any issues, please open a ticket at Support

Just a Screenshot of Softaculous AMPPS on Linux !


AMPPS Panel has two sections :

Admin Panel

Go to Admin Panel

Enduser Panel

Go to Enduser PanelCategories:

Last updated